Qualified candidates for the above position must submit the following:
- Completed online application
- Resume that clearly demonstrates the above minimum qualifications. It is important that you include all experiences and education related to the position to which you are applying.
- Upload copies of all transcripts -undergraduate, graduate and all MSDE Certifications
- Must provide three (3) professional references to include: name, title, business address, e-mail address and phone number
- All documentation/certification necessary (scanned copies accepted) to substantiate minimum qualifications; must be uploaded into application
- All documentation must be scanned and uploaded to application Benefits
- - This position is eligible for benefits. To review the available options please see the information relevant to the union for this position by viewing the following link: http://www.baltimorecityschools.org
Baltimore City Public Schools ("City Schools") does not discriminate in its employment, programs, and activities based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy or parenting status, family structure, ability (cognitive, social/emotional, and physical), veteran status, genetic information, age, immigration or citizenship status, socioeconomic status, language, or any other legally or constitutionally protected attributes or affiliations. Discrimination undermines our community's long-standing efforts to create, foster, and promote equity and inclusion for all. Some examples of discrimination include acts of hate, violence, harassment, bullying, or retaliation. For more information, see Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners Policies JBA (Nondiscrimination - Students), JBB (Sex-Based Discrimination - Students), JICK (Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation of Students), ACA (Nondiscrimination - Employees and Third Parties), ACB (Sexual Harassment - Employees and Third Parties), ACD (ADA Reasonable Accommodations), and ADA (Equity), and the accompanying City Schools Administrative Regulations. City Schools also provides equal access to the Boy and Girl Scouts and other designated youth groups. Link to Full Nondiscrimination Notice.
This position is affiliated with the City Union of Baltimore (CUB) bargaining unit.
This position is affiliated with the City Retirement Plan.